Why a Spiritual Intervention Matters (26)

I am adding a final post to my “Going Deeper” intervention series. Rereading ‘Mere Christianity’ over the weekend caused me to realize that I’d not adequately concluded this series. I have missed telling the most important point — the ‘end result’ of a holy Intervention. The end result of a spiritual, living intervention — through a work of God in your life — is that you are actively becoming a new creature in Christ. Old things in your life have passed away; new, living, and lively, spiritual things have come. You are becoming a new creation through the ministry of Christ in you; changing, transforming, healing, and making you whole.


In your spiritual being you are essentially becoming like Christ, a little Christ, which sets you apart from the ordinary, the expected, and ‘normal’ spiritual person, who has a limited vision that’s set on things of the earth and of the world (but they don’t know it). Through your choices and God’s intervention, you are being transformed into the image of His, God’s, dear Son. You are God’s and He is yours. You travel this earth-journey together.

Those who find God to be central in their reality have found the best thing. Their life is being resurrected into something different, into a life that reflects the glory of God and the light of His dear Son, Jesus Christ.

No matter their natural hindrances or troubled beginnings, once the interventions have cleansed, healed, and transformed them, once they have surrendered their human stuff to God and put Him on the throne of their lives, their lives are now free to shine as they reflect the joy of their salvation and visage of their Lord. Across the church divide you can find these human ‘lights’ for they are not tied to just one church tradition. They are those whom are traveling the spiritual journey with Christ as their fullness and joy and as their strength and enough.

Truly, Christ is the answer to all that ails us. Christ is the answer to our heart’s longing for belonging. Christ is the answer to our spiritual need for being, believing, meaning, and significance. God, in His divine mercy and love, directs us to the people who can help us; to the Scriptures that enlighten and inform our understanding; to the true Christian sages, mystics, truth-tellers, pastors, and Christ followers who love God and His Word; and to the ‘whomevers’ and ‘whatevers’ He uses to guide us into accessing His Life, where all is peace and love, despite any of our outward circumstances and worries. Yes. It’s that radical.

How can this be? Go back to Post 1 or the Home Page for the Spiritual Interventions Series and work through these lessons about God’s Pain Pill for human distress and need. I think you will find the answer in what I’ve written. If not, after you’ve read all 30 intervention posts, leave me a comment or send me an email. I will try my best to consider and answer your questions. . . . nlbrumbaugh@gmail.com. Write ‘God’s Pain Pill’ in the address bar.

No two journeys are the same: No two people have identical life experiences: No two people’s life passages are the same. Nor do they process their personal and spiritual experiences in the same way while they are forming their individual conclusions and take-aways. Your spiritual journey is a solo endeavor influenced by an a sundry of circumstances, people, and books.

Yet, God calls to us to Himself. He seeks to shine His light in our lives. He is bringing many sons and daughters to Glory where we partake of His bounty. God is showing us how to delight in His truth. His glory reaches down to us people of the earth. God is approachable. When God is on the throne of our lives, His glory manifests itself by radiating out from our lives. This is blessedness.

In essence,

  • Christ is the answer to it all. Christ is the way, the truth, and the life.
  • The Holy Spirit helps, enables, and energizes.
  • The Father begets, provides, and loves. He is a good Father.



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Inspirational Writer, Author, and Speaker

PO Box 6432, Chico, CA 95927

Keep a smile in your heart.

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