When There Is/Isn’t Abuse In Our Churches

Everyone In The Church Must Be Vigilant

Our churches face the difficult responsibility of keeping our programs running well in a sinful world. Now, as you know, it’s not always easy or problem free when working with people. Every so often you hear of a church with a distressing problem. Maybe it’s a staff problem or some other difficulty. There are some problems that must be addressed when or before they show their face. This article is to inform, because we simply can’t be naive about this.

It’s hard to imagine an abuser in our church. I must say that they’re there, somewhere. My children used to get a ride to youth group functions with an abuser (but we didn’t know he was one, back then). It came to light much later. His wife always rode with him. Fortunately, he never bothered them. But still… I felt sad for his wife and four kids. They were grown, but it still mattered. You just never know.

Be ready before an abuser joins your church

An abuser doesn’t announce he’s going to abuse the church kid(s). He looks for opportunities to get kids off by themselves. He uses words that seem plausible to the one he has in mind. He works the angle to get the response he wants. No one knows what he is planning to do. S/he plans a secretive approach and uses an effective way to keep the child quiet. He threatens them. They are afraid he will do the worst if they tell anybody.

I am not trying to alarm you. But we must be vigilant whenever we are doing God’s work. Our churches must be safe for all children. There are many safeguards we can put in place to protect our children. Such as: Always have two adults present with student activities. Make sure all restroom procedures are appropriate and necessary, and safe. Keep the students with you until the appropriate parent comes to get them. Have correct systems for doing club night, etc.

All of us must be vigilant

Everyone is at the church as a representative of Christ. That’s why we have Sunday school, youth group, club night, etc. The children are our guests. We are their teachers. Treat them right and fair. Be kind, be good, be cheerful, and be protective. Follow the rules and do them well. Make sure that you are a positive role model to the children. It’s up to us to keep the children safe. Think before you act. That’s a given.

We are responsible for all the children at our church. Let that sink in. I am responsible for the children at my church as well as wherever I choose to go. We are the caregivers to a world at large. We Christians have been given the task of treating the individuals in our lives with Godly grace and love. We should not be lazy or unconcerned about what goes on in our churches, establishments, and wherever we are at. I can’t state it enough… It is up to us to keep our kids safe.

Our children will thank you

A child will remember the person who shields them from harm. They may not say it, but they remember what you did for them. On the other hand, they may not realize that you are protecting them. You never know. It’s a big job but one that we’ve been given. Let’s keep our eyes and ears open. Let’s keep our kids safe. Let’s give them a safe-home at church and in the car that takes them to and from the church. Please take the time to do the job well. The children are worth it.

Some children know little of kindness and goodness. They don’t know appropriate ways to act or play. They act crazy-like instead of playing graciously. Let’s remember them. >One time in Awana, there were these three boys that lived on and off with their addicted mother. They were incorrigible so often that the church grew tired of dealing with them…and I understood. You couldn’t blame them. However, one time I gave a lesson about the work of God in a life and why that mattered. I asked the children to bow their heads and think about their lives.

God will lead when we let/ask him

I wanted God to speak to them. After they raised their heads, I asked them why God wanted them to listen. One of these boys spoke up. He said that God cared about them, that he wanted them to behave so that they could listen. Everyone was super quiet. You could have heard a pin drop. Then we gathered in a circle and prayed, with the kids saying the prayers. God spoke to the children and adults that night. The holy spirit planted a message in everyone’s heart. That truly was a special night.

I don’t know about your church, but I know this message needs to go forth. We are responsible for the children in our churches. Never forget this. Be vigilant. Be kind. Look around and absorb the message of life. Smile at the children. Help a parent when they need it. Step up to a problem when it occurs instead of after it happens. Allow yourself to be a little uncomfortable whenever it is necessary…and do something to remediate the issue. Don’t make problems but absorb, prepare, and make sure the problems are dealt with according to what is best. I love the kids and I want them to be safe. Let’s work together to make sure the children are safe in our care. Thank you.

Father, please help us to do a job well done for the kids.

Inspirational Writer, Author, and Speaker

PO Box 6432, Chico, CA 95927

Keep a smile in your heart.

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