Easter Truth: Resurrection, Redemption, Rebirth


CONTEMPLATION: Written on Saturday at a monastery.

This week is such a significant time on the Church calendar.  It is a time of reflective celebration referring back to the most pivotal event of ALL history. This is true for all who believe in the finished work of the cross. The death of Christ. The resurrection of Christ. You cannot have a resurrection without a death that precedes it. Jesus IS the Resurrection and the Life. No one will get to the Father except through him. Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

All of time in the earthly realm relates to Christ’s death on the cross. The Old Testament looked forward to the cross. The animal sacrifices given for atonement for sin, were an illustration of what was yet to be. The New Testament gospels recorded the time of the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Christ. It also details the eyewitness accounts and years following Christ’s return to heaven. Next we have the Paulian epistles which document a looking back at the cross as the church got its legs so to speak. The Church Age, the Age of Grace, is inter-connected to the events of the crucifixion and resurrection: the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. It is a beautiful picture, the sacrificial lamb of God slain for the sins of the world whereby redeeming the lost . . .  so that we might live, experience rebirth in our souls, made righteous by a Righteous and Holy Savior-God. Christ redeemed our souls. He was crushed for us. He was wounded that we might live. The redemptive cycle was complete. “It is finished” were Christ’s words as he hung there on Good Friday. The sky grew dark. An earthquake quaked the ground. People ran for cover. The world would never be the same again. And then. “He’s alive!” Death could not keep him. The Savior conquered sin and death to save the world.

Life is that way too. In fact, most of life is a story of redemption. There is life, burial, resurrection, new life—in cycles that occur and reoccur, over, and over, and over again. We see it in the seasons, the plant life, the events in our lives: physical birth and life as it is lived: childhood, middle-age, old age, death, then the resurrected life to be lived for eternity. It is one continuous circle that goes round and around. Some want off the circle, pain hijacks their ability to enjoy life. I wish for them freedom that will lift them out of the cage. But I can’t do it for them. I am only used as a way to lead them to the door. I say to them, “It is possible. It’s your choice. God offers it. Take his gift of grace, the salvation he offers for your soul. Be free.” After that, it is up to them and God.  It will take both joining together in purpose and in power. Some who I know, are fighting the fight to get there. They can’t quite give up to go with God. Some want to, they desire it, but they haven’t figured out how to let go of the bondage of past indiscretions or paralyzing fears. These dear ones want to throw in the towel because it is getting too hard. But they haven’t, thankfully. It takes courage to face your demons be they self condemnation, past hurts, sinful practices, or even depression. It can be intense. Usually, it is. It gets worse before it gets better. But then. Then comes the surrender, the embracing of Christ, the lifted face in tears of sorrow turned to rejoicing as the sting penetrates the soul and peace heals its inner wounding.

Life becomes one sweet Ode to Joy when the battle is won and victory has been secured. You know you will never return to the pit from whence you came, from which you have been released. Not there yet? Keep fighting the good fight until you can rest in the arms of Jesus. He is the Healer and Comforter, and the Man of sorrows acquainted with grief. Jesus understands when we hurt and are fearful. He wants us to be free in him. His arms are wide open. Come to Jesus.

Thank you Father, for a resurrected life. I feel like I’m sitting in your presence—that Jesus just walked in the door and greeted me. I feel myself attracted to his person. Jesus radiates the self-assured, holy life, a transparent, yet hidden glow of self-contained radiance. His smile is accepting of me and of all he meets. I want to be like Mary and sit at his feet. To talk with him and ask him the harder questions that trip us up, the ones I hear day in and day out that confuse the unbelieving and believing alike. Most of them are about pain and suffering, and the nature of God. The more I know of your nature, the more that I realize that your love is that of a loving father who deeply cares for his children. Thank you, dear Father God.

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Inspirational Writer, Author, and Speaker

PO Box 6432, Chico, CA 95927

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