The Gay Thing Does Matter

Why or Why Not

These days I watch a few favorite YouTube videos. I have my favorites which includes Becket Cook. Now, most are all over the country but Becket Cook is from southern Cal. He lives in the Hollywood district and used to work in the movie industry. The most notable thing about him is that he was a gay from a Catholic family and became a born-again Christian in 2009. Then he went to Biola University for training in biblical concepts. He now has guests on YouTube. I think he does a phenomenal job at presenting Christ to a highly skeptical crowd.

His Training

While he was a gay and active as a gay, he saw no reason to go to church or even follow the faith. He knew his life was immersed in the homosexual community. The church at that point mainly suggested that homosexuals get their life right with God and then they could come to church. Now this has changed in some churches. Lots has changed. One day he saw some young Christians with a Bible at a cafe. He asked them what they were doing. They answered, “Studying the Bible.” He was surprised, shocked, and somewhat curious. Why hadn’t they tried to hide their Bible? and they answered his questions with honest answers. They also invited him to their church.

He Goes To Church

Cook was curious but not enough to pursue a look into church. They hadn’t downplayed their beliefs in a hugely gay affirming place. Not only that, but he was curious why they hadn’t? He was used to Christians hiding their beliefs and being shy about them. Sunday morning he pulled himself out of bed and got himself to the church. The people were lively, engaged, and intent. He tried to be invisible but, yet, he went to the side for prayer. He was expecting old people, but younger people filled the pews.

Decision Time

Becket Cook knew this was real. The people weren’t playing a game. The words spoke clearly. He just knew. That day at the end of the service he turned over his walk to Christ. He became a born-again Christian. No longer did he feel confused. He was ALIVE in Christ. He became authentically real. He was so excited that he told others continually about Christ, and his belief in Christ. He chose to walk the walk of a committed person of faith. His life abruptly changed. He told his folks in Texas that he had made a dramatic and consequential decision for Christ. He spoke boldly and still does. I listen to him a couple of times a week. Yes, it’s hard work in a hostile environment, but he doesn’t complain.

Becket Cook’s Advice

I have listened to a few converted former-homosexuals give their testimonies. His testimony is real and genuine. He doesn’t try to impress others with his words. He speaks to draw them into his world so that they may see the truth. He speaks while he encourages. I was skeptical at first. It was normal to be skeptical for we don’t know how much he will say nor do we know how much he will strive to get our attention. However, he’s the real deal. He speaks the truth in love. Oh how we need this. He’s kind but he’s also direct. I’ve watched many of his speaking engagements. He cares and it shows.

God bless you, him, and everyone.

If you have a moment…
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Inspirational Writer, Author, and Speaker

PO Box 6432, Chico, CA 95927

Keep a smile in your heart.

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