Sunshine in My Soul

True spirituality is more than cognitive beliefs. True spirituality involves the whole person, their actions, reactions, interactions, relations, motivation, their purpose, projects, plans, principles, and reasons. Whew!

A person’s views are either secular or spiritual. A spiritual worldview is God focused. A secular worldview is separate from God and has little thought of God. A person can be a Christian but live with a secular world view. Prayer is the last thing they think of doing when troubles stall them.

How do we change the narrative? Start with prayer. Pray deeply. Do intercessory prayer. Fast and pray. Be steadfast in prayer. Prayer changes things, including you. I believe this and have seen it.

Change comes slow, but it comes. You will notice a hunger in you that is growing. You are shaping and molding into a softer persona. You are less troubled by the difficult relational pieces when they occur. Your hope is in Christ and not in yourself. You are allowing God to change your mind, your heart, and your soul. He is making a NEW you.

But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.

–2 Corinthians 3:18 (NKJV)

Precious words.

When there is sunshine in my soul, I can let the billows roll, like the song says. We can get distressed, we can be discouraged, we can fall short or fall off a cliff, metaphorically speaking, but we KNOW we will get through it. We will make it. We have a song in our heart. Our God is able to deliver us.

God has made us beautiful, and beautiful we will always be.

Are you saying, “no, you got it wrong, that’s not me.”* Well, that is your feelings talking. You can’t trust your feelings. You must surrender that thought to God, it is not of Him. Let Him give you a truth statement. You are a beautiful child of God. He made you. He loves you. And He will deliver you.

Trust Him to do this for you. He is able.

*Some of our negative thoughts are responses to ways we believe about ourselves. We absorbed a false narrative that belittles us to where we see ourselves as small. This negative message can have its origins in the ways we perceived ourselves in childhood. But it is not speaking the truth to you. You are special because God made you. He gave you worth and value. You are enough, and good enough, and wise enough to make it and to be happy.

Photo by Corina Ardeleanu, Unsplash

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Inspirational Writer, Author, and Speaker

PO Box 6432, Chico, CA 95927

Keep a smile in your heart.

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