How the Pro-Choice Agenda Failed Us: Abortion is Not the Answer

Right to Lifers are marching in Washington. They march because they are on a mission. The mission is to save babies, to save innocents, to save lives, to save baby Americans. Women and Men are marching to create awareness and to stir others to action, to stand, rather than be silent, because all lives matter, native American lives matter, black lives matter, white lives matter, unprotected vulnerable lives matter, babies with disabilities matter. They march because all babies deserve a chance at life and all should be insured the right to be born.

We as a nation are protecting a practice that flies in the face of who we are as human beings. The “right” to abort another human being defies our very right to exist. There is a reason we pledge these words …with liberty and justice for all. Let’s do right by all our children, even the unborn members of our civil society.

-This is an opinion piece-

 I’m so sorry.

Dedicated to all those who forfeited their lives because we failed them.

We cannot fail another generation.

What they didn’t tell you before the abortion

Logic, when streamlined according to what is in your own “best” interest, can be a deception. What they didn’t tell you before the abortion was the truth. They withheld important information about the procedure. They used faulty logic to distort truth. You didn’t get to see your baby’s image on the screen. You didn’t see the fingers, toes and beating heart, the baby sucking his thumb. One baby lives…if the mother says so, and another baby didn’t stand a chance…when they’re a throw-away baby.

Which kind of baby would you want to be?

We have a great ability to distort truth, to justify actions and to white-wash consequences–especially those that gratify self-interest or protect the status quo. We also bury those facts we wish to hide and that no one knows about.  Shame, guilt, fear of condemnation, disapproval, intimidation, fear and a host of other reasons cause us to remain silent on subjects that matter. That is when the louder voice overpowers the weaker voice.

I have been silent too long.

Here’s how the scenario often plays out. An unwanted pregnancy at a wrong time with the wrong person can lead to a wrong choice being made.

To terminate an unplanned, unwanted pregnancy is the choice that some “logically” say is a right choice because of the “wrong” situation. They say, “What about the woman’s future?” They want the pregnant girl, teen, young woman or mother with children to believe that to do otherwise “in their situation” is not in the game plan and would be a wrong choice for them.

Does the unborn baby girl think so?

What about her future? It’s looking bleak.

Do these women have any choice?

Only one person, ultimately, has a choice in this scenario.

The woman with child, the “mother” of the baby, will determine whether or not this child goes to term. The woman carrying the baby in her womb is vulnerable to public opinion (does the public value all life?). She is vulnerable to the opinions of others in her world even if they don’t know because she keeps her news to herself. She is subject to the social mores of social society. She listens to the voice that is speaking loudest, what is being said in the public square, by her teachers and on social mediums. Her man may not “want” this baby. After all, he doesn’t think he needs to shoulder the extra responsibility of supporting a child, or even the constant tie to the baby’s mother. She may feel she has no choice, or she is pressured to get rid of “it.” Maybe she never planned to raise a child. Abortion, for this way of thinking, is the easiest answer to the problem.

But someone will pay.

A baby, a grandchild, a brother, a sister, a niece, a nephew will pay with their life for that woman’s “choice.”

Some choices are best not considered. Innocent lives will never be given the gift of seeing the blue sky. They will never know the warmth of a loving embrace. They will never feel the warmth of the sun on a summer’s day and the delight of watching bubbles float in the air. They never had a chance. Some could care less, and pro-choice advocates are saying that that’s okay.

But it’s not okay.

When did we as a nation quit caring about “some” lives? When did we hide behind terms like Women’s Reproductive Health? Was it when they told us to quit caring about the unborn fetus…in certain situations? That we get to make that choice? The bully in the abortion industry forgot that you have a conscience that will live with you the rest of your life. They didn’t tell you that you are killing your baby. They didn’t tell you that you’re killing your daughter (where are HER rights?). Where are his rights? They didn’t tell you that the abortion is painful for the baby inside of you. They didn’t tell you that when you allow one child to be aborted, you’re likely to have another abortion later on.

It was a cover-up. That baby wanted to live. But someone else didn’t want it to live. The baby was powerless. Some post abortive women are traumatized at the time or relive the trauma when their conscience allows itself to awaken to the fact. It is not just a procedure. Deep inside they know the truth, no matter what the other voices are saying.

They didn’t tell you that part of yourself dies after an abortion.

They lied to YOU.

How do I know?

I have not had an abortion. However, over the years several women have told me about their abortions and a few men have told me about their wife, sister, or girlfriend’s abortion(s). My heart is grieved when I listen to women share the reasons they aborted the flesh of their own flesh. It is always a hush-hush conversation, never to be repeated.

I see the tears in their eyes.

With painful emotion, they disclose their past choice(s) to me. I feel the deep sadness they have felt, which has haunted them for five, fifteen, or thirty years. I hear the lies they believed or told themselves about why they thought it was okay at the time or seemed justified in some way. Others don’t go there. They never wanted the abortion. They caved. Someone put pressure on them or they felt they would lose their partner or reputation or parents’ support. Their eyes tell me a story. I see raw pain. I see regret. I see a broken heart. I see sorrow and suffering. Sometimes I see denial, or I see deadness. I listened to the man who told me about his girlfriend’s abortion and how he begged her to let him raise the child. Despite his pleas, she terminated the pregnancy. The pain is still there some forty years later. Sorrow and regret lived with him all these years hence.

Self-protection, image, or pressure from another person of importance, from their significant other, family of origin or church family, influenced them, or influenced you. A decision was made to abort the baby before it saw the light of day.

A lie was believed. The lie says that the end justifies the means.

This “choice” was believed and accepted as the only and best way out. Sadly, in their inner soul, they either justified the action or they bore the heavy stain upon their heart. Yet I can say, God was there at the time of the loss of life. He felt the pain from this act of perdition with His precious, holy, bleeding heart. Your suffering little one was healed, made whole, and welcomed into His arms on the day the baby bore your shame and hid your guilt.

Shame on the law of the land that did not protect you from the pressure to abort and your baby from harm. The court of laws have protected the mother’s choice but abandoned, condemned, the weakest and most vulnerable members of our society.

Stories that should have been shared are missing. Intimidation? Newsworthy articles about pro-life, walks-for-life, are never covered. Ignored? Grisly atrocities including late-term aborted babies, murdered, stacked in a back room, and found at an abortion doctor’s clinic, barely makes a blip on the screen and is limited to local coverage. Buried? Puppy mills get more coverage than that. Baby parts harvested and sold, down-played by a nationally funded agency, gets minimal outrage and then goes blank. Messy? Other human rights violations get covered, why not this? “See no evil. Hear no evil. Speak no evil?” As I said earlier, we as a nation are protecting a practice that flies in the face of who we are as human beings.

We should be outraged.

But no, the culture of death lives on. And the culture of life is down-trodden, silenced or muted, and ignored.  Bad things happen to people who speak out about this injustice. They are shunned, intimidated, receive retribution (as may I). This callousness toward a sector of human life has bred generations of people who have believed a lie, a lie that devalues the sanctity of human life. As a society, we have chosen to embrace an activity that pierces our collective soul and damages us as a nation. There are two major players here. An educational system, for one, and a social system that have promoted a dual message concerning life. It contains gradient views, a hierarchical view concerning human worth and value. Darwin would have been pleased. The survival of the fittest. There is a bigger picture here than may be realized by our society at large.

It grieves my heart.

There is hope.

I would not have you feel that there is no hope because of the guilt from the past.

There is always hope.

Christ bore your pain and He bore your sorrow. He was there when it happened and was grieving for both you and your sweet little one. Christ loved you with a love that forgives, cleanses and heals. God loves you. Come to Him. He will forgive you. Let Him heal you.

This is not only about terrible sins that are easily recognized. It also about self-righteous pride and arrogance, which are matters of great sin and wrong-headed behaviors. These must be acknowledged and grieved through a sorrowing process.

God must be asked to reveal what are our own areas of guilt. Then we can deal and heal.

Make the right choice.

Let’s spread the word. Every baby has a right to live, even the unwanted ones. There are many people who would love to raise your child if you can’t or don’t have the ability to do so. There are those who will love your child.

Be brave. Be courageous. Be loving. Choose to save a life. Choose to help save other lives. Choose life. It’s the right thing to do.

Your baby thanks you. Other babies thank you.

God bless you.

No regrets.

Dedicated to all those who forfeited their lives because we failed them.

I first penned this post in 2014. I updated and expanded it for 2017 by including recent information and stronger statements. People are haters these days. I expect some will hate me and this article. I have to admit to being intimidated by the loudest voices out there. They condemn people, like me, who do not share their contemporary views. They say we don’t care about the mother, or we don’t care about the child once it is born. That may be true in some instances, but not so in the majority. There are agencies and church people and loving people who are helping mothers who face obstacles like unplanned pregnancies. There is much more to be done, though.

I suggest, to the post abortive woman, counseling at a care center that specializes in helping traumatized women. Many of these counselors share the same wounds as you and are active in helping others find their own freedom. Some of the counselors are post-abortive, as well. My local community has a great resource center, skilled in helping women overcome the pain from their past. They offer classes, where community fosters trust and support. I know some of the counselors. They are warm-hearted and understanding. You need not fear sharing your story with them. Christian-based counselors will have encouraging insights and they will love you. They understand the pain.

Last, but not least, I suggest you contact the greatest Counselor of them all, the Lord Jesus. Like He did with the woman at the well, He accepts and transmits value to all people. Christ heals hearts, and He longs to heal your heart. No one could love you more than He does. Accept His healing grace. When you look at a crucifix you see Jesus with His arms wide open. They’re open for all of us. By His stripes and wounds, you are being healed. Come to Jesus. He awaits you. He will love you and wipe away your tears.

To Save a Life: The Bully Exposed

Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to me. Matthew 25:41

A few thoughts I’ve been mulling over.

POLITICAL MESS: The past few months have been like a rough patch while watching the political scene unfold. We as a nation are floundering. The conversation has centered on outrageous behavior and less on what truly matters, a well-thought-out approach to responsible governance. I wonder how much the media is responsible for influencing the outcome. Some, it seems to me. I think we’re in deep trouble. There’s not a lot to shout about.

REFUGEE CRISIS: The global crises has added to this helpless feeling. Add to that the scary happenings. Brutality against innocent people is a weekly headline. What to do or think? Do we stop caring? No. We can’t stop caring. My response to the face of human suffering is to pray for those who need the help and pray that nations will respond with compassion and wisdom. I put myself in the shoes (or lack of shoes) of the person escaping for their life, and I can’t ignore their suffering. We can’t wall ourselves off from those who have no options. We cannot quit offering help to a world in need of it.

ABORTION STING: The issue of abortion comes in to play whenever there is a coming change in the White House. Abortion is a sticky subject. It is one we cannot ignore for it reveals our pulse as a people. By our silence we condone abortion even when we do not agree with it. There is much blindness on this subject and that is because we have differing views on the value of human life. I have not spoken up about this issue, but it is one that is close to my heart. I am greatly troubled by the intentional ending of a human life. When humans choose to look the other way and turn from offering protection for the most vulnerable in their midst, the defenseless person, and when it chooses to label them as nonentities or less-than others like some have historically with our African-American brothers and sisters, and Hitler and his comrades did, and militant groups do today with their acts of barbarism, terrorism and hate, then we as a civil society have chosen to look the other way like the uncivilized, with arrogance and indifference. All of life is devalued by selective social valuing. (One of my fourth grade students rudely called another student, “a failed abortion.”) Its subliminal message is unmistakably pervasive.

PROTECTED BULLIES: One of the most dangerous places in the world today is to be a fetus in a woman’s womb, particularly when the woman, her man, family, or government deems the living unborn as ‘less-than’ other human beings–unless they are wanted. Baby Eves and Baby Adams as unborn humans are being bullied by those who consider Baby Unborns as unequal and valueless, trashable throw-aways–unless they can prove their value, worth, and right to live. The structure is unequal in power, which is why I use the term, bully. The fetus is powerless and silent. The bully is powerful and bold. We, as the onlookers, are either egging the bully on by agreeing with them as we cheer on the sidelines, or we remain intimidated, inactive, and in an uncomfortable silence (like I have been), or we may act. Some begin to look for ways to help stop the bullying (and killing) by putting a face on the unborn Adams and Eves despite the payback that most likely will be their due, they, too, may become a target, and by helping those brave mothers who choose to protect their little ones.

For three years I was on a bully prevention team and learned how it works. As a school, we took strong measures to teach and expose what bullying looks like, to create a plan for the children to follow, and to offer safe places and go-to staff schooled in appropriate actions.  The bully sees the victim as deserving the bad treatment because they are seen as weak and powerless. It struck me this summer after the crimes against the unborn were exposed, how in their defenseless position these little people and society’s dismissive attitude about them has the marks of a bully targeting its victim with the rest of us as bystander witnesses who are reacting in one of three ways. It is a sobering thought when you pull it apart.

The pressure to abort is huge. Ask any woman who is fending off the bullies. (I’ve heard the stories first-hand.) The callousness with which these unborn babies are being described by people in the industry is proof of how deeply ingrained this tragedy has become in society. We are protecting an activity which causes collective harm to our social-consciousness. Conceiving life and then destroying life done with little outrage, concern, or thought, is similar to the horror of racism, when society as a whole places value on some lives and removes value from other lives–including our baby sisters in the womb, females who have no voice, who can make no choice for themselves and who have no line of defense. Women, can we betray our littlest sisters?

THE WAY OF CONSCIENCE: Many women deeply regret the abortions in their pasts. They’ve told me their stories. I see the pain in their eyes and the sorrow that hides behind a curtain and reaches down to their heart. Twenty, thirty years past, they cannot forgive themselves. Something in them was deeply harmed. That is the second tragedy in this scenario. I speak for them and others like them. They would say, don’t listen to the bully and don’t be intimidated or you will regret it the rest of your life.

LIFE AND LIVING: We are given opportunities in our lives to do good, lots of good. Every day we make choices. Will we live for ourselves only or will we live for others? It is a hard thing. We are self-centered creatures. It takes daily effort in ourselves to alter our focus. I don’t do it well, but I do desire it in a very active way. It takes spontaneity and letting go of stuff, attitudes, and rigid ways. Honesty with yourself is your undying friend. We lie to ourselves, especially in our motives for why we do what we do. So often we self-protect. People matter. They do. It is up to us to never lose sight of this, especially with difficult people or those living in a compromised state. Offer life to everyone as much as you can and is safe. Everyone. Even the haters. Love wins.


  • Love God.
  • Love one another.
  • Love your neighbor as yourself.