Christian A or Christian B?

Most of you know I’ve been on a spiritual journey that is a little out of the ordinary. As I travel along I find there are diversions that take me off the beaten path, the well-worn trail, the safe, predictable (and sane) path of least resistance. The trail ‘less traveled’ is where I find the meat and potatoes rather than the chips and salsa, where I find a solid awareness of what matters the very most in spiritual living . . . and it’s not what you think. You nature lovers will ‘get’ this.

learn of me edit 1In real life when I get off the main path I’m bound to get poison oak. Even when I stay on the path I’m susceptible. I’ve already gotten my first poison oak rash for the season, it showed up on my forearm and all I did was go to Black Butte Reservoir to view the lake. I don’t know how it happened because I didn’t hike any trails. Maybe I got it from leaning on a rail that had some poison oak residue on it while I was viewing the dam. By nature of its unpredictability, when a person is on the unmarked trail they are bound to make a few unexpected discoveries, and I have. They will also go through an inner thrashing as they clean up the stuff that is impeding their spiritual progress, and it will take some time to recover, like it does for the poison oak to clear up. But then it gets divinely sweet and exceedingly rich (the adverbs and adjectives are necessary).

Anyhoo, the journey has been unusual. Then, every once in awhile, I read something that sparks my interest because it has elements of connectivity that cross over with what I have found in these out-of-the-way places off the mainline, formal, churched spiritual path so to speak. These people, like me, have found, and experienced, the same fascinating, less-talked about, components of the Christian Way, the same rejuvenating core reality, which makes me love it so much; and they love it too. I think if everyone could experience such wonderful “stuff” they would be more inclined to be less satisfied with their present Christian ease of beliefism. At times I try to compartmentalize these findings, but the thing refuses to be fully defined. Yet, it is more real than anything else I’ve ever known as a Christian believer. It is more of a mindset (of openness) and less of a bound system (of closed thinking). It is not harsh, it is gentle. It is not stuffy, it is lively. It is not expected, it is fluid. Lately I’ve been reading the writings of a Catholic priest who has made the same discoveries as me. No, we aren’t a perfect match in all our beliefs, but we both are alive to the gems found in this off-road traipsing into the liveliness of focused-on-Christ originality where the loveliness of spiritual living blossoms and grows.

I hope you’re curious because I’m ready to tell you. Here goes. The side paths are connected to the main path and extend out from it, but they always return back to the original trail-head. These side paths act as an addition, not a subtraction. Quite possibly I can explain it by using a picture of two levels, one on top of the other like is found in a two-story building.  As Christians, we have some united beliefs that are the building blocks of our faith. These are areas of no compromise because to compromise would be to change, moderate, or obliterate the belief. These areas of belief center on foundational truths found in the Bible. Because the Bible is God’s word and thereby the true Truth, it provides the structure for Christian faith i.e. similar to how the skeleton provides the structure (framework) for our bodies–otherwise we would be formless blobs. Biblical truth cannot be changed or diluted or the whole living organism breaks down and soon loses its distinctiveness. Both Christian A and Christian B believe in the spiritual truth of redemption for human living kind found through the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. The main, traditional path strikes me as Christian A. The secondary, unplanned path describes Christian B. Christian B must become a Christian A before they can add on the “B,” the second level of (spiritual) living space.

LEVEL 1 – CHRISTIAN A —  Christian A is a believer who has put their faith in Jesus Christ. These people are regenerate, having gone through a true conversion experience. Their faith is important to them. These believers seek to follow the teachings of Christ and to love their fellow human. Going to church, serving in the church, practicing the spiritual disciplines of prayer, bible study, and obedience, and partaking in the ordinances and sacraments of the body of Christ are important to them. These are serious Christians who will share their faith, when given the opportunity, with those who have yet to believe in Christ. Christian A is a devoted Christ-follower.  Often times these believers are quite devout in their faith. Christian A is not the casual Christian. Some A’s had a dramatic conversion. Others’ had a childhood or quiet conversion. At some point in their faith journey, they decided to dedicate their life to God and now it is their desire to continue traveling on this main path of accessing and living a fulfilling Christian life with an implicit desire to be faithful in all they do. This is descriptive of all true believers who have a strong walk with God that is meaningful to them. There is one troublesome area for Christian A; it is their propensity toward spiritual pride and self-righteous attitudes.

LEVEL 2 – CHRISTIAN B — Christian B goes one step further by entering into a relationship of pure delight and joy in Jesus Christ. You can’t have a level 2 unless you first have a level 1. Christian B has all the elements of Christian A in their life, but they are living with more awareness and fullness, which could be called the abundant Christian life.  Like the second story of a building, they have added usable space on to their spiritual life. Quite by accident they begin to realize that there is another dimension to faith. Next, they begin to discover second-story living as they begin to develop a close, living relationship with God. These Christian believers are not satisfied with a functional faith (the main path); they have gone beyond the conventional wisdom to discover what there is to find in the secret places (the side path). Like Brother Lawrence, they practice living in Presence. Ask, Seek, and Knock is their guide into the unknown lands and then they absorb and go with what they find. Christian B knows what it is to delight in the Lord, and it has a lot to do with meditation and contemplative praying and seeking. Christian B is fully awakened into Jesus Christ (you will observe some of Jesus’ traits in them). Faith, for him or her, is alive, nurturing and life-giving and is not at all stale, boring or routine. This is a win-win for their Christian walk because this is what God has designed us for, to desire living (interactive) relationship with Him. Salvation makes it possible.  Deeper levels of devotion make it delightful.

During Christian B’s foray on the less defined path, this believer will desire to know Christ in an intimate and real way. Because of this, their love, produced by Christ’s influence in their being, will release love that will flow unrestricted to other fellow human beings–friend or enemy, it does not matter because this love is as natural as being alive–simply because these individuals are centered in their soul with energy from the Source of all goodness (God). Sound delightful? It is. People who have this energy from above are living saints, who beam out their wisdom to others whenever and wherever their paths should meet. They have found what it is to have meaningful relationship with Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and it is transforming them into becoming more like Christ every single day–and it is outworking in their lives in unpredicatable and unusual ways. When they open the Word, it speaks to them. They love reading God’s words to them. For them, it isn’t a chore, it is a joy.

Should God make a suggestion to Christian B, he or she will follow His leading and with little hesitation. . . even when nobody else understands why they are doing this. These contemplatives are uncompromising in their loyalty to Christ and unmovable and unwavering in their trust in God. They are known for their love, wisdom, and grace, for even the ‘least of these.’ The world is attracted to Christian B in a strange way because they can’t quite sort out what they are seeing–a person who doesn’t care about material things but is driven by an inner spark of energy–it fascinates and draws them. People are in awe of people who are real and genuine, who are living, breathing beings who ‘act out from’ rather than ‘over talk’ their faith. There is one troublesome area  for Christian B; it is the propensity toward self-induced experiences and inappropriately focused contemplative processes.

[Note: This is not eastern religion or transcendental meditation but the two might be confused due to possible overlap in modality of practice.]

But how do we become a Christian B?  Hint> Love the Lord.

But how do we facilitate the ability to honestly love the Lord?  Hint> Ask the Lord for it.

But how do we ask and what kind of words do we say?  Hint> Say, “I can’t do this for myself, but You can. I want to love You, God, and to know You like I never have known You before. Help me, dear Jesus, to love you more.” Then trust Him for it. This is a serious request that God will answer over years, not days. Believe God for it.

What is the difference between contemplative text and traditional text?

Suicide, Abuse, and Memories, Conversations with Emily (16)

Emily was suffering a form of PSTD. Every night was a thing to be endured.  She spoke her reality to me. “Panic sets in both as I slow down or wind down for the day and also as the sun goes down and darkness sets in.”


The conversation continues.


November 18, 20**                                                

11/18, 7:35pm
Me:  My close friend, Bill*, lost his son today in a tragic suicide. I may head down to see him if he wants me to come. He lives five hours from here. If I go to see him I will need to adjust my schedule. I just don’t know what will happen. They’re devastated and in shock. We used to date and I am sort of his spiritual support. I really hurt for him. I feel a little in shock myself!

11/18, 8:01pm
Emily:  praying for u and Bill & his family.

11/18, 8:27pm
Me:  Bill is still a baby believer like 4 years but has held steady. He has been very good to me over the years. Thanks for being understanding.


 November 20, 20**

11/20, 10:22am
Emily:  I’d appreciate prayer as body memories are awful today. I would just like a bit of peace in my body.

11/20, 12:30pm
Me:  I will pray. Much prayer goes out to you. Someday, Miss Emily, you will be a trophy of grace. Keep hold of that thought. So sorry it is so hard and painful.

11/20, 3:07pm
Emily:  ty. your encouragement here has been an answer to prayer…been praying for people to come into my life that would be speaking life over me…ty doesn’t seem to be big enough but its all i got

11/20, 5:51pm
Me:  You encourage me. Your frankness is similar to a close friend I had in college. Thank you for the smile…the affirmation. I don’t doubt that you are one of the main reasons I’ve been on the book launch team, the other is my blogs. I’ve done 12 of them for the book launch. I don’t plan to do anymore. I’m thinking I will become inactive on the site unless God opens up a direction there. And I don’t mind.

11/20, 5:55pm
Emily:  huh? not sure I’m following…u didn’t know me before the book launch team so how coulda that been a main reason u were on it?

11/20, 6:14pm
Me:  I mean, God had a plan.

11/20, 6:14pm
Emily:  oh…gottchya
can i be real with ya?
not that i haven’t previously..just wanna speak frank
don’t wanna choose words wisely and just say it how it is…

11/20, 6:18pm
Me:  I ask God about things, my future etc? For the last year he has been saying to me these things “Go” and “feed My sheep.” That I must trust Him for the journey. So I try to do that.
Sure. I’ll try to be frank back if you want
Let me guess.!
The Team?

11/20, 6:22pm
Emily:  i just want to relax and unwind from a day full of body memories…but i can’t get away from everyone’s hands

11/20, 6:22pm
Me:  Is that what makes your skin crawl?

11/20, 6:22pm
Emily:  yes

11/20, 6:28pm
Emily:  i just want it all to stop

11/20, 6:29pm
Me:  I see. I just know that it can be lessened. How? If only God’s healing touch could cover those bad touches and remove their invasion. I haven’t been touched in a mean way…ever. Not physically or sexually. But, oh do I know there is life after death experiences. Being trapped in the painful memory keeps it stirring as a cesspool of hurt. Just one second. . .

11/20, 6:40pm
Me:  I believe God can and will heal a memory. He goes to the place of the hurt and gives a thought as He purifies the wound and heals it. I just don’t know how to guide you to that place, other than telling you that it will take an active seeking on your part, an openness with God that doesn’t hold back. Ideally, another person would be praying with you during the healing restoration. I’ve experienced it and I’ve read of others who have.

11/20, 6:41pm
Emily:  ya

11/20, 6:47pm
Me:  I hope you find relief soon. I will continue to pray. I’ve been praying more lately. My friend is in need of it. They expect 500 at the funeral on Sat. I will drive down for it that day. Terrible stuff. But God will bring good from bad. He always does.
Emily:  nite

11/20, 8:20pm
Emily:  I’m sorry if my sharing tonight made things uncomfortable

11/20, 9:51pm
Me:  Not at all. Not much phases me any more. In fact, I prefer direct unless it isn’t sincere. Some people want sympathy and to be heard, but they don’t want to do the hard work. That would frustrate me if it were to happen. But you are asking the questions, and that’s a good thing.
My daughter kept needing me and interrupting my thoughts when we were talking. I finally gave up trying to talk to you and her at the same time!
Emily, what type of church were you raised in? Denomination or association? Just curious if you were raised Protestant, Catholic, Pentecostal, baptist, brethren, Orthodox, independent or other? Thanks for the info above.

 November 21, 20**

11/21, 4:04am
Emily:  I’d fall under Protestant

11/21, 3:24pm
Me:  Okie dokie

11/21, 7:31pm
Emily:  i forgot to tell ya to thank ur daughter for joining in our craziness (the facial we did earlier that night with skype/facetime.)

11/21, 8:46pm
Me:  Ok. TU. That was fun!

11/21, 8:48pm
Emily:  heading to bed here…have a good night

11/21, 9:03pm
Me:  GN.

 November 22, 20**

11/22, 7:50am
Emily:  How is everything this AM?

11/22, 8:09am
Me:  Ok. I’m anxious about my friend, “Bill.” I think he’s going to call and say not to come to the funeral. That would be bad. I need to be there. I need to be there to pray and bring God’s presence with me. His family has never met me.

11/22, 8:10am
Emily:  Don’t be nervous. Follow God. You may want to be there for him. He may not wish you there. But what does God want?

11/22, 8:32am
Me:  That’s exactly how I feel. There is much confusion in that family. I just get a sinking feeling. He will be calling soon.

11/22, 8:33am
Emily:  Well I’m praying!
Can I assume ur face survived the night?

11/22, 8:50am
Me:  It did. Skin is nice and smooth this morning. TU! You were fun last night. G never said anything but I think she felt comfortable.

11/22, 8:52am
Emily:  No, she didn’t. It was written all over her face, silly momma.

11/22, 8:59am
Emily:  Oops…seems I brushed up against the phone here at work with messenger open and posted my location. Sorry for being confusing. I need a nap!

 November 24, 20**

11/24, 4:53pm
Me:  It went fine yesterday. The service was well done. Thanks for praying. I feel sort of depleted today in my emotions. I want to talk with my friend but he’s had nonstop company. I will have to wait my turn! How are you this weekend?

11/24, 7:50pm
Emily:  I’ve had a really tough weekend with chaos and body memories

11/24, 8:47pm
Me:  I just started reading the book “Jesus calling.” The author talks about God preparing her for helping a woman heal who had memories of ritualistic Satan worship abuses that were tormenting her. It was a difficult thing, the spiritual warfare. I thought of you. You are tormented. The evil one is relentless. But, he can not have you if You are God’s. A counter offensive might be in order, during the times when the memories torment. I will pray for words to come to you as a defense and as a healing stream. I remember a time when it was dark in my life, I would pray, “In Christ, …” And then name it, what I was going to do etc. He may give you something like that.

11/24, 8:50pm
Emily:  panic sets in both as i slow down or wind down for the day and also as the sun goes down and darkness sets in

11/24, 8:51pm
Me:  I see. The panic triggers the fight or flight emotions, I assume.

11/24, 8:52pm
Emily:  not sure which triggers…the panic or the memories. . .kind of a chicken or the egg thing

11/24, 8:52pm
Me:  The time of day

11/24, 8:53pm
Emily:  again…not sure if its the darkness or the winding down
i sense its a lil of both
in both scenarios

11/24, 8:53pm
Me:  Memory association.

11/24, 8:57pm
Emily:  more like memory disassociation

11/24, 8:58pm
Me:  Well, you need to tell those memories where they can stuff it. That you aren’t going to be afraid of them any longer. Let them know that you are going to walk on through it, relax, and come out okay in the end. That you will not be hijacked any longer. If it’s a depressive demonic attack, we will ask God to help remove the darkness (I have felt that too).

11/24, 8:59pm
Emily:  i honestly can’t remember a time that darkness didn’t bring on this panic…I’ve grown up with it

11/24, 9:00pm
Me:  Wow! I wonder about that, if it has a cause. Regardless, it is driving the fear.
Or the fear is driving it.

11/24, 9:02pm
Emily:  my abuse began as a young child though so it doesn’t surprise me…i think one of those chicken or the egg things really

11/24, 9:02pm
Me:  Yes.

11/24, 9:03pm
Emily:  I’ve worked years on being able to stay present in all of the panic, though

11/24, 9:03pm
Me:  Were there others afflicted by the same abuser?

11/24, 9:03pm
Emily:  unfortunately, yes

11/24, 9:04pm
Me:  Do you know if they have received help?

11/24, 9:05pm
Emily:  don’t think i know all involved…i just know others occurred before me and others occurred after me

11/24, 9:05pm
Me:  Sickening

11/24, 9:05pm
Emily:  pretty much
i worked so many years to stop disassociating that i don’t want to go back there yet way too often i don’t feel like i can survive without that numbing

11/24, 9:08pm
Me:  Did the person ever get confronted? Notice, I’m not asking, who. I don’t want to ask that question in a I-message

11/24, 9:08pm
Emily:  why don’t u wanna ask that question here?

11/24, 9:10pm
Me:  I am on the phone. Just a moment

11/24, 9:27pm
Me:  First of all, I don’t think it’s any of my business. Secondly, I figure you will tell me when you want me to know or feel it should be shared. Thirdly, there are some things I don’t like to put in an electronic record. I’m cautious. There are some things I won’t ever put in an email or an I-message because I wouldn’t want it to come back and bite me later in ministry…if someone goes witch hunting. So I treat you as I like to be treated. Maybe I’m being silly, but maybe not. Your bedtime. To be continued….

11/24, 9:28pm
Emily:  lol…past my bedtime but nowhere near sleeping
prob gonna b another long night again
kinda hard to sleep feeling everyone’s hands who have ever hurt me all over me all at once…sorry if I’ve shared too openly

11/24, 10:34pm
Me:  Well. I wish you could get some new happy memories. You haven’t shared too openly. You’ve done fine. I think you are good. Life is not easy but there’s lots of good around us. Focus on one happy memory, something someone told you that made you feel like you were noticed. What did they say and how did it affect your thinking about yourself? The first one I remember was a fourth grade teacher. Usually I was never noticed because I was quiet. She complimented me two different times. It was nice to be noticed.


This is how “Emily” was living life. Each night was to be dreaded. Her memories were destructive to her inner sense of being. How I wished ‘peace’ for Emily, that she could know healing in her subconscious. Her inner sorrow was bleeding through. It splashed out of her. I often prayed for her and for my words, that they might be a message of healing for her in the inward places. All I was doing was caring and sharing, then trusting God for His ministering grace.

When I was hurting because of my emotional needs not being met, I wouldn’t talk about it with my friends. I appeared to be managing well. I was trusting God, but I wasn’t happy or relaxed. I was solid, in-control, and functional. You do what you have to do. Over time, though, you begin to wear down. And at some point, you decide that you can’t carry on like that any longer.

I believed Emily was reaching that point. The internal suffering was forcing her to admit and then address it, which could (or would) lead to her healing. It was in her court.



>next post:  Raped, beaten, and left for dead:  Conversations with Emily (17)

<previous post:  Abuse marks a person:  Conversations with Emily (15)

|<<first post:  A woman at risk:  Conversations with Emily (1)


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