REVOLUTION IN WORLD MISSIONS, One Man’s Journey to Change a Generation (Gospel For Asia, 1985, 2009)

Revolution in World Missions is not an easy read nor is it comfortable to read. Yohannan is on a mission and he is not to be deterred. His message hits hard, but it is relevant. That is why I read it cover to cover. In the process of telling his personal story, he unfolds his view on missions. He also shows how organized religion is asleep and has lost its purpose by an over-emphasis on social programs at the expense of having a spiritual mission, actively treating physical needs more than addressing spiritual needs.         ~Yohannan presses the need for evangelism throughout the world to a needy, immense populace in the Two-Thirds World. Areas where the effectiveness of evangelism rests with dedicated indigenous missionaries who live as humbly as those with whom they minister, who travel by foot or bicycle, who know what it is to be hungry, beaten, and ostracized. Some are even martyred. Yohannan doesn’t cut us any slack in reference to the materialistic indulgence of the organized church with its colonialist’ view of missions as seen in many churches and missionary organizations. One cannot read this book without evaluating its content. It will either offend or motivate, maybe both. Quote: “God gives some people more so they can be channels of blessing to others. God desires equity between His people on a worldwide basis. That is why the early Church had no poverty.” p. 87.     ~This book’s secondary message is in the form of a rebuke against the lethargy one finds in the modern church. Yohanna seems somewhat angry. Maybe he has a right to be. His passion is for the lost who have yet to hear the name of Christ. His impatience is with those who are unwilling to open their eyes and those whom have forgotten the words found in Christ’s Great Commission.  I believe the author speaks as to the need (the unreached), the possibility (the lost to be reached), an effective way (indigenous missionaries and pastors) and the part we play (to support the missionaries). His message is about having a vision for the spiritually perishing and then doing something about it.      ~This book’s purpose is to compel us to give liberally to support indigenous missionaries in Asia and India who live and evangelize in areas where there is darkness waiting for light. Gospel For Asia (GFA) is the organization that sponsors and directs the indigenous missionaries. It takes its mission seriously. Although I do not agree with several of Yohanna’s statements, I share this book because I believe it has merit and it sounds a wake-up call.       ~How can they hear without a preacher? They can’t. I received this book in the mail as a free gift. It is my first awareness of GFA and I am unaware of its history otherwise. Those interested in learning about Gospel For Asia may visit WWW.GFA.ORG. Revolution in World Missions

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