PURPLE COW: Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable (Portfolio, 2003)

A PURPLE cow stands out no matter how you look at it. Now that is being remarkable. The challenge in today’s overcrowded marketplace is to become VISIBLE rather than to remain invisible in a market with a multiplicity of similar items from which to choose. To become remarkable means the business or entrepreneur must do something which is, in some way, well, remarkable. The product the business or entrepreneur offers to the world must be packaged through an inventive strategy designed to set their product out in the forefront ahead of the competition. According to Godin, purple cow innovation is more than cutting edge. It’s more than mass advertising. It’s more than a recognizable household name. It’s more than tried and true. Instead. It. Is. Original.

Purple cow is offering an item in a remarkable, new way. It’s unusual. It’s consistent. It’s fun! It’s something-you-must-have because it meets a need and is also dependable. Although having a good idea or a useful product is great, most likely in today’s market that is not enough without the purple cow. The product will remain invisible to the buyer and relatively unknown to the masses. This means that businesses must leverage risk by developing something remarkable in order to become visible. For writers, like me, this is important. What good is a writing that is never noticed and never read? Word of mouth matters too.

I read Purple Cow because another author remarked that it changed his outlook and in the process changed his life. I guess what purple cow thinking says is this, what boring is to marketing, conducting business-as-usual is to stale and stagnate–and that is, well, unremarkable. Why not be remarkable instead?

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